Today we brought six bottles of baby lotion to A's classroom. The caretakers requested this as our "optional" gift to the orphanage and were very thankful. They showed us one of the little girl's hands that looked raw they were so dry. We were very happy to give something that they really needed and will use. A's hands/arms have recovered so well in only a week of lotion. We may have bought more, but 6 bottles was all we could find between two different stores. It is getting warmer though (today couldn't be colder than -25), so we will be venturing out and shopping more in next few days.
Our sweetheart was in a great mood again today. Of course, 5 minutes with us and she then fell and bumped her head, which greatly affected this mood. Even still she was amazing like always. I do not have much to share today because it really was a smooth day with a lot of dressing a doll, hugging and singing to the doll, and some tickling (A, not the doll) for good measure.
We did let her play with Chris's broken iPhone at the end of our visit. This was mainly to distract her until it was time to go to lunch since she was clearly hungry. She was so cute. She held it up to her ear and talked very enthusiastically. Apparently the caretakers will talk on their cell phones around them. I guess they get agravated a lot on the phone because she made a very serious face and babbled as if she was fussing at somebody.
We were alone today without a translator, so she was very focused on us and there were minimal distractions. The only reason A even started thinking about lunch was because a nurse came in with a tray of meds that really looked just like the food tray that the cooks bring A's lunch on every day. We kept her distracted for the most part, but another agency's translator had to open the door to go outside of the room which made A scream because she did not leave with her for lunch. I rocked her and sang to her, and fairly quickly she switched back to sweet little A for the rest of the time together.
We are really struggling with the thought of leaving her. It absolutely breaks my heart and we are hearing that the passports are taking longer than they are supposed to. I know that God has a plan and this will happen in his timing. He has proved this over and over to us. I still think that it is natural to get knots in my stomach everytime I think of leaving her next week. I just pray that she is okay without us and does not completely forget us while we are gone.
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