Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 13 - Beginning of the English Language

New Years around here is such a huge deal that the party in our hotel was still going at 6:00am this morning. Then when we tried to go down for breakfast they told us it would not be open until 10:00am. I am pretty sure that people are not expected to function on New Years Day. I thought this was just a crazy party, but our translator said she was out until 5:00am and this was normal. And we thought we did good staying up past midnight! Because of this I was a little concerned about how A would be today. I had this fear that the caretakers would come dragging in after partying all night and it would put our little girl in a bad mood. Thankfully this was not the case. We were able to go get her from her room again and the care takers were bright eyed and bushy tailed (not really sure what that means but you get the point, they were awake).

A was very happy to see us. She did not have her shoes on so she stayed where she was until someone could come and put them on for her. The caretakers had dressed her in the outfit that we bought her. So this is the second day in a row that she is wearing it. We like to think that she picked it out and insisted on wearing it (I know she is two and this is not likely, but it is a nice thought so I am going to choose to believe that this is how it happened).

I am also happy to say that there were no accidents today. She was in a much better mood today. We were reading a book together and she was saying "Moo" with the cow and would point at the googley eyes in a book and say "eye". She also says "Bye" now instead of the Russian, "PaKa". I feel that she will catch on quickly. Another big step today, she let us hold the water bottle for her when she was drinking. I know this seems quite backwards but it is very good for her to start depending on us. A is a very independent little girl and each time she allows us to do something for her it is a step in the right direction. She is also able to take the screw top lid off by herself, a little scary! She has not quite gotten the whole putting it back on thing down yet.

We had one more freak out today when our translator left the room. This was likely due to her thinking that she left and was not going to come back to get her for lunch. It broke my heart. I recognize that she is going to attach some to the translator because she is there every day with us, but it was still hard for me to see her get so upset when she left. Thankfully she still let us comfort her and again her little music box did the trick (Thank you again Kat and Derek). We then went and sat down and gave her some water. It was as if nothing happened. I am very happy to see that when she freaks out she does not push us away of even get agressive. She allows us to hold and comfort her until all is better.

A is not doing quite as well with putting her toys up. In some ways this is nice because she is not in such a hurry to leave us, but I really don't want to break this habit. Today we were able to bring her back to her room and she held on to her Papa and was singing all the way upstairs. We put her down in her room and she walked around a corner, then came right back and made a face like, "Are you coming?". It was great to have those beautiful wide eyes looking at us when we left. No tears and no screams, just joy.

One last side note. IT IS COLD! How cold is it?

Well, a river with sheets of ice floating in it was giving off a substantial amount of steam.

Fun Fact: Did you know that celsius and fahrenheit equal each other at negative 40 degrees? We didn't need to know that before coming here!

This picture says it all...

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