Today is Christmas Eve here, crazy right?? This has been the longest holiday season ever. We brought A another outfit today and she actually started undressing herself so that we could change her, so cute!
Unfortunately, today she started getting desperately hungry 30 minutes before lunch time. I am so proud of my husband who managed to keep her content or laughing for most of that time. It took a lot of work on his part and every trick in the bag, but it worked! Part of this plan was letting her pick her things up on her own today which stretches it out a bit. She had found some doll clothes on one of the shelves in a plastic bag earlier and we also brought her clothes in a plastic bag (I know great wrapping paper right?). When I held out the plastic bag to put the doll clothes up she thought that I was asking for the clothes that we brought her. She grabbed her shirt and said "Nyet" in a very concerned way. I felt so bad that she thought that we were taking her clothes away.
Even with how hungry A was today, she still cried when she realized we were leaving. I didn't think she would since she was sooo ready to go to her classroom, and when we brought her up she quickly left our side to be with the other kids waiting. Yet, when she turned to see Chris waiving at her and saying "paka" (bye), her face just crumpled up and tears were starting to flow. So sad, but so sweet and reassuring at the same time.
We were only able to bring her back personally because we brought a picture of A today for her classroom. The caretakers asked to have one of her so that they can put it up with the other pictures of kids who have been adopted. It was sweet how proud they are of their children!
Great news, we got our court date today! We will be going to court on January 12th. We will let you all know when we will be returning once we change our plain tickets. I am really hoping that it gets warmer here soon because my husband is about to drive me crazy as he goes more stir crazy! The less we can go outside, the worse he gets. Ugh, he is a goofball but I love him.
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