Day...uh...who cares! The wait is over!

It is finally time to go back to Kazakhstan and pick up our daughter. The wait has gone by fast and slow at the same time. It is hard to describe what it has felt like to be home without her. For me it almost felt like none of it ever happened. It felt like a fairtale story. I am very ready for it all to be real again. We are currently sitting at the Nashville Airport and have been for a couple of hours. Our flight is delayed/grounded with no notification of when we might be allowed to leave. Once we are in Kazakhstan our schedule is pretty tight so if we can't get there by Sunday we will have to be there 2 extra days and it will cost us a bunch of money. This is a rough start but we remember that it is not our plan that counts and we know that God is in charge of every step of this journey.
So, our plan as of now is to get to the region on Sunday. We will then pick her up on Monday and immediately fly back to Almaty. On Tuesday we will have her doctor's appointment and Wednesday her Embassy appointment. Then we are hoping to fly back early Thursday morning.
I did not finish the blog in Nashville so this is a continuation. After a couple of very stressful hours in the airport in DC, we are now in London. This was not our original itenerary but it looks like we will still get there in time. This was fortunate because otherwise we would still be in DC enjoying a 27 hour layover.
During the time we were home, we really enjoyed celebrating Allie with all of our friends and preparing the house for her arrival. I almost cried when we childproofed the fireplace (it used to be so pretty). Still, Allie's room has really become something that I am proud of. We quickly realized that our plans for the baby's room were centered around the notion that we would be decorating for a boy, so our "neutral" plans for the room really didn't help us much. With the aid of wonderful friends and family, I am very proud of how the room ended up. A very special THANK YOU goes out to Cole and Kayla for their hand-painted artwork!

Cindy, Allie's room is beautiful! I pray for continued safe travels and cannot til yall are home as a family! Love love love yall!